Friday, December 27, 2013

November - Happy Thanksgiving!

At the end of October we had family pictures taken by our good friend April Wahlquist. 
She did an AWESOME job!!! (Thanks April!)

That's the necklace Connor made me for my birthday.  

I love all their different expressions!  :)

Happy Thanksgiving!
My parents and brother, Tyler, came to visit for a week.  It was so much fun and lots of good food!
I miss them a lot.

 I have no idea why their tongues are blue.  :)

 So cute Papa Steve!  :)

 Yay, Uncle Tyler is here!

 Wrestle time with Uncle Tyler!

 Family Home Evening (FHE) with everyone.  This is playing 'red light, green light', different ways.  
So fun!!

 While they were here we went down to Pueblo to the Children's museum.  They had a lot of Christmas stuff to do. 
 Briella and Connor mailed letters to Santa.

 Matt was entertained by the origami station. 

 Connor and his new friend built this house together.
 Regan made a new friend to - the cute baby in the mirror!

 Matt and Tyler loved this contraption.  They watched it a lot.

 My mom and I made gingerbread houses at our Relief Society Christmas party.
 Thanksgiving afternoon watching football.
 Getting all the delicious food ready.

Yum, yum!

 Uncle Tyler's perfect bite!
This was our 'Gratitude Tree'.  Most days we wrote something we were grateful for on a leaf and put it in the tree.  It was fun and helped us realize all our wonderful blessings!
Breaking the wishbone.  It wasn't quite dry yet.  We keep forgetting to do it, it's still up on our windowsill.  :)

1 comment:

Matt said...

And when they actually did break the wishbone, it snapped into three pieces--just like it did last year! I guess if one person can't get a wish, no one is.