So I haven't posted anything for awhile, I'm finally getting around to it. With the holidays and family coming to visit, time just got away from me. Here are some pics from the last few months to hopefully get everyone caught up on what's been going on in our life.
At the beginning of November my family came out to visit for an early Thanksgiving. It was great! We were all crammed in our house for over a week - oh, the memories! :)
I love this pic of my parents and Connor!

We went up to Kirtland Ohio to see the church history sites. It was a lot of fun to see all the history and learn about what happened there. This is in front of the Kirtland Temple.

Just a fun pic of Connor! He's so cute! :)

Matt pondering the wonders of life! Such a serious face! :)

My cute grandparents chatting on a bench!

Inside the John Johnson Farm house. This place was amazing! It's a little out of the way but so worth it to go and hear from the missionaries what happened there. It was probably my favorite site.

Outside the John Johnson farm house. It was a pretty nice house especially for those times.

Us girls getting a pedicure! This was my mom's first one and she said she loved it and now realizes what she has been missing out on. Honestly I was really surprised she said she would go with us. :) It was fun and oh so relaxing!

The yummy turkey we made! My first Thanksgiving cooking at my house. It was fun but a lot of work! Maybe next year we'll just order out! :) Just kidding!

Partaking of our delicious dinner! Yum, yum, yum!!!

Melissa, the resident photographer, documenting all the Thanksgiving fun! :)

Connor was done with his dinner early (of course) and he wanted Grandpa to read him a book. It was so cute!!! He LOVED having everyone there. I wish we lived closer to family.

So after all the Thanksgiving fun, Connor got really sick. At first they thought he had the flu but it turned out to be pneumonia. Poor kid. Well Matt's co-workers got Connor a gift. It was soooo nice of them. They gave him some blocks and this cute bear - he loves both of them and plays with them often. He was so excited and it really did make him feel better that day!

Well on to Christmas! We went Christmas tree shopping after the Thanksgiving weekend. We went to a bunch of Christmas tree farms but they were really expensive, almost $100 for a fir tree. Yikes!! I'm used to the $20 u-cut trees in Oregon. So since those were definitely out of our price range we ended up going to Home Depot and getting a tree. I never thought I would do that!

Connor got stuck in the middle of some trees at Home Depot. Can't you just hear him......"Help!"

Decorating our beautiful Noble Fir tree. It took up a good portion of our living room but it was really nice and smelled great. Don't you just love Santa's helper's hat! :)

Connor was actually pretty good about not pulling on the tree. He would usually just go up to it, barely touch a branch and say 'tree'.

Oh yes, the classic Santa picture! Connor was ok with Santa until we got right up to him and he freaked out. He was trying to climb over me to get away from him. Honestly, it was hard not to laugh. :)

We spent Christmas this year in Wyoming with Matt's parents. We weren't sure how Connor was going to be with their dog because around that time he was really afraid of dogs. But Papa Booth was really great and got Connor comfortable with Rez, their dog, and from then on he would ask Papa Booth frequently to see the dog. It was really really cute!!

Connor ready to go out in the snow!

Our cute family freezing in the snow! It was so cold there, you couldn't even enjoy the snow.

Connor opening his presents on Christmas morning. He LOVES the blocks Grandma and Papa Booth got him!

Connor's first haircut!!! Can you believe it. This was right around New Years. We started to cut his hair with scissors but it wasn't doing the trick so we switched to clippers. I thought Connor would freak out but he didn't mind at all.

We kept him entertained by letting him play in the sink while we cut. He LOVED it!!!

He doesn't look like a baby anymore - he looks like a little boy! I had a hard time with it for a couple days then I was used to it. Matt did a good job cutting!! :)

Cute little boy!!!

So we found an old pair of sunglasses and Connor loves to put them on and walk around saying 'Hello'! It's really funny! He always has this big grin on his face when he puts them on!
wow! that must have taken you forever to do!! love all the pics. looks like you guys have been having a ton of fun!
I love the picture of you with the oven mits on next to your turkey. Such a classic! Oh and Connor with the sunglasses on is pretty darn cute too!
Great pictures Shersti!!! Can you believe Connor and Madison are 1 1/2 crazy!! They grown too quick!!
Great pic's! Sounds like you'e been super busy!
I wish we lived closer to family too, but such is the life, right? Maybe it makes us appreciate them more?
The results of those first haircuts always throw me--that baby to boy transition!
Amanda says you're doing the Tri4Cure this year. I'm gonna try to train for it too.
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